
Heat was released on December 15th, 1995.
Filming locations include Burbank, City of Industry, Downey, Lawndale, Long Beach,
Los Angeles, Pacific Palisades, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Whittier, and Wilmington, CA.

Redondo Beach Metro Rail Station - 5301 Marine Ave. Lawndale, Ca. 90260

St. Mary Medical Center - 1050 Linden Ave. Long Beach, Ca. 90813

Chris buys explosives - 10006 Rose Hills Rd. City of Industry, Ca. 90601
NOTE: The building seen in the film was leveled in 2012 and a Quinn Cat
was built in it's place.

Michael picks up Waingro - S Western Ave. and Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca. 90019

Armored truck robbery - Venice Blvd. and Georgia St. Los Angeles, Ca. 90015

Abandoned ambulance - S Figueroa St. and W 22nd St. Los Angeles, Ca. 90007

Johnie's Broiler - 7447 Firestone Blvd. Downey, Ca. 90241
(Bob's Big Boy Broiler)

Hennessey and Ingalls bookstore - 1254 3rd St. Promenade St. Santa Monica, Ca. 90401

Neil and Eady meet at the Broadway Deli - 1457 3rd St. Promenade Santa Monica, Ca. 90401

Bob's Big Boy - 4211 W Riverside Dr. Burbank, Ca. 91505

Kelso's house - 1235 Dodds Circle Los Angeles, Ca. 90063

Albert's chop shop - Behind* 1017 Foote Ave. Wilmington, Ca. 90744

Vincent meets up with Albert - 3506 W 8th St. Los Angeles, Ca. 90005

Centinela Drive-In - 5700 W Centinela Ave. Los Angeles, Ca. 90045
NOTE: The drive-in was demolished in 1998 and replaced with the Alessio Apartments.

This is about where the entrance to the drive-in would've been.

Zenzero - 1535 Ocean Ave. Santa Monica, Ca. 90401
(Ivy at the Shore)

Metals Repository - 1300 Factory Place Los Angeles, Ca. 90013

Hanna pulls over McCauley - I-105 West Los Angeles, Ca.

Hanna and McCauley talk - 9101 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, Ca. 90212
(Kate Mantilini)
NOTE: Over the entrance of the restaurant is a large picture
of De Niro and Pacino sitting together at their table from the film.

Bank exterior - 444 S Flower St. Los Angeles, Ca. 90071

Vincent kills Michael

Trejo's house - 1219 Dodds Circle Los Angeles, Ca. 90063

The following location was found by fellow Heat fan Joe Elliott.
Neil talks to Eady - N. Beirut Ave. and Via De Las Olas Pacific Palisades, Ca. 90272

The following comparison picture was submitted by Joe Elliott.

The following comparison picture was taken when I visited the location.

Sergeant Drucker uses Charlene to bait Chris -
Speedway and Navy St. Los Angeles, Ca. 90291

Hanna's hotel room - 179 N Church Ln. Los Angeles, Ca. 90049
(Hotel Angeleno)

Neil kills Waingro - 5711 W Century Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca. 90045
(Hilton Los Angeles Airport)

Hanna kills McCauley - Aviation Blvd. and W 104th St. Los Angeles, Ca. 90045


  1. Fantastic work! Thanks for taking the time to post these!

  2. Thanks Mike. Heat is my favorite movie of all time so it was a lot of fun visiting these locations.

  3. Thanks for sharing, good work!

  4. Great then & now shots...who knew that Trejo and Kelso were practically next door neighbors on the same hill! One location missing though- the house where Neil kills Van Zant

    1. I'm still searching for Van Zant and Chris' house...would love to find those two locations.

    2. And Neil's beach house. Where the heck was that?

    3. Great Work.. Now we just need, Neil's, Hanna's, Chris's and Van Zant's homes.

    4. https://www.yahoo.com/amphtml/lifestyle/inside-robert-niro-gorgeous-malibu-170000917.html

  5. I think I have the location for the shot where Neil and Eady look out over the cliff face next to the tree if you are interested.

    1. Do you have an email I could send you the photo of?

    2. This is the location I came here for. Amazing work! I'm glad someone took the time to do this for all of us fans!!

  6. Great blog, I have bookmarked this for future reference! What happened to the Deli, it is just lying disused? Also, a general question, if an interior location is now vastly different now compared to what it looked like for a film, how do you choose the camera angle from which to take a picture?

    1. When I visited the deli location it was currently vacant. I take the screen shot camera angle regardless if it looks different or the same as it did during filming. That's part of the fun, seeing how much it has or has not changed over time.

  7. Where is Neil's sparsely-adorned condo/apartment? He is looking out through floor to ceiling glass window at the Pacific Ocean, so I imagine it would be somewhere near the coast. Malibu? Santa Monica? The original script mentions Neil driving up to his apartment along Wilshire Blvd. But Wilshire is a long boulevard and his house could be anywhere along it. The scene of Neil gazing out over the pre-dawn ocean is so powerful.


  8. Bro I love your site! Don't get lazy keep em coming ;)
    Joking aside, thanks for your hard work!

  9. Neil's beach house could be 24826 Malibu rd, rd. This was featured in sex and the city movie. It looks like the same balcony from heat, and location looks right

  10. Neil McCauley's apartment is located at 26940 Malibu Cove Colony Dr.

    This is a link to the apartment, which shows that the kitchen has remained the same since 1994/95: http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/26940-Malibu-Cove-Colony-Dr-Malibu-CA-90265/20554901_zpid/

    1. You're right, it's a dead on match. The shorter portion of the balcony has been redone but everything else looks almost unchanged. Marvelous find!

    2. Wow. You are absolutely correct and it's clear watching the scene with groggy Kilmer and De Niro and comparing details. I'm very very curious about how you found it. Could you tell us? Are you by any chance Janice Polley (Heat location manager)?

    3. I fear that Neal's house has been destroyed by the fires.

  11. this is killer work man thanks so much! on the hilton hotel room, you sure it's 1735 and not 1731? I only ask cause I want to make sure I'm reserving the right room!

    1. Thanks lathropw, glad you enjoyed it. As for the room number, I watched the blu ray frame for frame and it's definitely 1735 so rest assured.

  12. I've been an enormous fan of this film since 1995 and have often wanted to scout out the locations. I've also been a Lyft driver for the last two years, and just discovered I've been at or near most of the locations listed here in my travels. I drove right by the metal depository THIS MORNING!!

  13. Where did Neil and Eday standee together and look the city night lights?

  14. thats i wanna know too, eadys house, with that magical niht ligts overview of LA

  15. I searched high and low for the location where Eady had her apartment that was supposed to be near Sunset Plaza. I used Google Earth but I couldn't anything that matched up with the view from the movie. I think that it might be located near these coordinates 34.05'54.43 N

    Another location that I'm trying to find is the electric substation were Neil and his crew met up to discuss the bank robbery.

    Here are some other filming locations that I did find:

    00:13:34 POSSIBLY the parking lot were Neil McCauley and Nate meet to discuss the armored car robbery. They were in parking space A9. This parking lot is located at 757 South Flower street. It is not confirmed just a guess! The coordenants are 34.02'51.58N

    02:01:42 The hotel were Hugh Benny, a CI "Rat Motherfucker" for LAPD officer Harry Dieter was staying at. He informed Dieter who then informed Detective Casals about the bank robbery that Neil McCauley had planned for the Far East National Bank that was about to take place.This scene was shot at Harbor Place Tower, on the 23rd floor - 525 East Seaside Way, Long Beach, CA

    02:02:00 1740 Carla Ridge, Beverly Hills, Ca. This is PROBLY the location of Roger Van Zant's home? Nate told Neil Mc Cauley that Roger lives at 10725 Hillside terrace in Encino, Ca, but there is no such address or street. This might be the location were they filmed the scene were Neil kills Roger Van Zant?

    02:10:56 LT. Vincent Hanna's “deadtech postmodernistic bullshit house” , 2634 6th St, Santa Monica, CA

    1. About a year ago I went to Chapters and looked at some home reno magazine. It had an article with pictures of Hanna's wife's ex-husband's "deadtech postmodernistic bullshit house" I din't have a phone then. I would've taken pictures. I should've just bought the damn magazine.

    2. Parking lot where Neil and Nate meet after the opening sequence is 339 Spring Street.

      Van Zant's place was 9024 Thrasher Avenue in the Bird Streets area. It does look remarkable similar to 1740 Carla Ridge, right down to the direction the house faces, so yours was a decent guess.

    3. If you're specifically talking about the scene where Neil and Eady have a conversation overlooking the lights of the city, well that's not a real... it was done with a blue screen shot on stage. Where the image itself was taken from I have no idea, but director Michael Mann has said on many occasions that it's not a real shot in camera shot, the only I believe in the entire film. It's also one of the best blue screen shots I've ever seen used in a film.

  16. As for Eady’s house I suspect it was at the intersection of Wonderland Ave. and Crescent Ave right near Sunset Plaza. She references “she lives above Sunset Plaza.” This is the back of Laurel Canyon. I lived less than a mile away in the Canyon when Heat was filming. I know this intersection quite well. There was a old wooden “cabiny” House there then. That view from the film would match that location. Incredible work here on this site.

    1. Hi Allan. I actually found Eady's house a while back but haven't had the chance to visit it yet. It's located at 1870 Blue Heights Dr. Los Angeles, Ca.

    2. Yeah. That's the same house as Harry Bosch's house in the Amazon series "Bosch"

  17. 9024 Thrasher ave Hollywood hills currently as Keanu Reeves house, it's a Roger Van Zant house. When u see the detail in the movie its its completely the same house and the same view

    1. I think like you, when I saw the film... I said to myself it's Keanu Reeves' house, I'm almost 99% sure (I'm leaving myself a micro margin lo)

  18. Hannah says when busting CI Hugh Benny in his appartement that Waingro got himself a suite at Airport Marquis hotel. Marquis is a Marriot group hotel, but here I see it's a Hilton hotel. Anyone an idea?

  19. I Live Right By Where Ashley Judd Signals To Val Kilmer That It's A No Go

  20. Looks like the little take out restaurant at Western and pico as it’s been gone. It’s a parking lot now. Looks like a Walgreens or something.?? Maybe somebody else can comment and let me know I went on Google Maps and it’s nowhere to be seen. Just open parking lot.?? thanks!
