
Tremors was released into theaters on January 19th, 1990. Filming locations include Lone Pine and Olancha, Ca. It was directed by Ron Underwood. The two leads of Valentine McKee and Earl Bassett are played by Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward. It also stars Michael Gross, who would go on to reprise his character Burt Gummer, and Gummer's ancestors, in every sequel as well as the 2003 television series. The films score was done by Ernest Troost and Robert Folk in a non-collaborative effort. Troost's score has more of a western feel, using guitars and harmonicas whereas Folk's used violins and trumpets and was used for the more climatic scenes. The films first DVD release was on April 28th, 1998.

Perfection - Near *Cactus Flats Rd. Olancha, Ca. 93545

The town was a set that was built in roughly two months. After filming concluded, it was torn down. No remains from any of the structures are still there. Although, the dirt road that led through the town is still there as well as a replica "City of Perfection" sign marking the filming location. 

All "Now" pictures taken in 2019.

Roadwork scene - Tuttle Creek Rd. Lone Pine, Ca. 93545

This road runs through a narrow but very scenic canyon, alongside the surprisingly rapid-flowing Tuttle Creek.

All "Now" pictures taken in 2019.

Boulders that Earl, Valentine and Rhonda get stuck on - Movie Flat Rd. Lone Pine, Ca. 93545
(Alabama Hills)

A lot of movies were filmed in this area, some of which include Django Unchained (2012), Gladiator, Iron Man, Man of Steel and an abundance of old westerns. It's an amazing setting with the Eastern Sierras and the highest point in the continental United States (Mt. Whitney) in the background. Movie Flat Rd. was constructed back in the heyday of old westerns so the crews could get in and out of the filming locations easier. Aside from being a popular area for filming, it also seems to have and endless number of beautiful hikes. As a matter of fact, I wish I had more time there during my visit, for that very purpose. The group of boulders in the film are just a stones throw from Movie Flat Rd. Also, after visiting for myself, I can confirm that the boulders they pole vault onto must've been prop boulders brought in for the film because none of them are there in reality. My last comparison picture shows this. 

Myself sitting on the boulder.

If you plan on visiting the Tremors filming locations in Lone Pine, or if you're just passing through the town, I highly recommend stopping at the Lone Pine Film Museum. It shows the history of filming in the area as well as screen used props from many of the films, including Tremors and some of the sequels. It's located at 701 S. Main St. Lone Pine, Ca. 93545.


  1. That's a great landscape. Keep up the good work.

  2. perfect match on those angles. great job and many thanks

  3. My pleasure. It was a lot of fun visiting these, especially since I haven't seen too many pics of them elsewhere.

  4. Love it! I'm jealous. I've been wanting to do this for quite some time. With this movie and several others. Thank you for taking the time to get it done!

    1. Thank you! I'm sure you'll get around to visiting them eventually.

  5. Loving your site...I have always been fascinated going behind the scenes, seeing the history of locations and knowing many are still there, even if Ill never have a chance to visit them! Thank you! Love it!

  6. Amazing job bro, Thanks for your efforts!

  7. Thanks so much for doing this. I been waiting so long with somebody to visit and take modern photos of the actual filming locations to Tremors. I know there isn't much to see since the set was taken down but its still cool to see what it looks like today. At least the City of Perfection sign is still up. I recently got into watching the movies again so I did a Google search (like I have done many time in the past) for filming locations and found this. Keep up the good work.

  8. Muy buen trabajo, te felicito. Saludos desde Argentina !!!

  9. I can't thank you enough for this I will be making my own trip from Sydney in August and wanted to be sure I could find the locations, you did it all here thanks again.

  10. Awesome you got to check out these locations! I was the one that put up the sign in March of 2016. Glad to see it's still standing!! :D

    1. That was really cool of you to do. It makes visiting the location that much more special.

  11. Thank you for the effort that you have put into this, would be good if the actual locations of buildings in "Perfection" could be overlaid on the area you have pinpointed for the town. A wonderful resource that you have constructed;well done.

  12. What about the rock formation from the very end of the film? I'd assume that is in the same area?

  13. We Tried getting to the location of Perfection City this weekend but it’s all gated off now at all trail entrances with ‘Private No Trspassing’ signs.....we spent a few hours trying but no luck!

  14. Yeah -- what about the rocks at the end? I checked thoroughly, referencing movie stills compared to sightlines to landmarks in the distance on Google Earth. It looks like it is up Tuttle Creek Road, 36* 33.366N and 118* 9.647' W looks just right but I can't find any rocks matching the dirt roads in the background. I wonder if the rocks are props. I'm heading out there in a month and will check it out on foot.

    1. I was out there last week and you are correct about the location. Comparing photos with the movie scenes, the surrounding hills line up exactly. The rocks aren't there so they were indeed fake. That's the same location in the opening scene of the movie too.

  15. I would also like to know the exact location of the filming of Tremors 2, 3 and 4. But I know it is difficult.

  16. Could you visit all the locations in a day or would you need a few?
    Thanks for your hard but fun work :)

    1. Someone could definitely visit them all in one day, as they're all relatively close to one another. I drove from Las Vegas and was still able to do them all in the same day, while also trying to figure out the exact spots where they were.

    2. Where are the locations? My buddy and I are planning a trip so I’m curious if it’s pretty straightforward

  17. thank you!! nice to find this awesome post, one of my all time favorite movie

  18. Many thanks for these photos, I've been through the area many times but didn't know that's where they filmed. It's interesting that the same scrub brush is still there.

  19. I'm glad I visited your website. I was thinking about visiting the movie site. Now that I know it isn't there anymore I'm glad I didn't make the trip.

  20. The pole vaulting rocks were fake. They were platforms with rock skins put in front of them.

    1. Thats cool if its true. How do you know that tho?

  21. I always wanted to go there since when I watched this in Turkey when I was like 10 which 20 years ago, now I'm in us and imma truck driver. Can someone tell me the exact address cuz I searched this on google maps couldn't really find

  22. My wife and me visited the (former) town of Perfection for the first time in 2011. The Perfection sign wasnt reinstalled then, but Im pretty sure, we found something very special: The barbed wire Rhonda got caught in about 22 years earlier!
    Also, at the famous rock the 3 spent the night together, I found that piece of wood that Val used to attract a graboid ... I always wanted to contact Ron Underwood to verify these items were really used in the movie. Does anyone have his contact info? However, after watching that film so many times, Im pretty sure these are legit :)

  23. Just when to visit the site of Perfection and there is a gate with a half dozen no trespassing sings. But the other locations were open

  24. Great scenery and backgrounds!

  25. Many thanks for these photos. Hard to believe this film was released over 30 years ago.

  26. Any idea where the final scene was filmed? I was just out to Movie Flat road and found the boulder they were sitting on. I tried desperately to find where the final climax was filmed but could not. Any idea??

  27. Great! Du you have also the specific coordinate for each locations?

  28. Thank you! I loved seeing your pictures.

  29. Visited the museum today and it was a joy to see. We drove out to cactus fern rd where the sign was supposed to be but sadly, it is now gated off as it is a nature preserve and no trespassing signs posted. You can no longer see the sign or drive down the dirt road
